Thursday, December 2, 2010


done my drawing again..this time Wakka from ffx and my own created character..
check it out...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

finally my drawing is done...

drawing done..still need to touch-up a little..

here's the link to see it..

tomorrow want to go for L license...I need to get it..then I will go to my friend's home.will have a big feast for his family...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday (20/11/10)

first day of school break...
 ahh,what an unlucky...
i got diarrhea and farted many times like a train..stinky...eeeww...
   went to the toilet many times...felt like every minute want to go to the toilet again to release my wish.......
but it was okay because ate chi-kit teck aun sachets....
  replay ffxii..what?!!I should abandon this...

Friday, November 19, 2010

(Friday 19/11/10)

Hah...the last day of school...had a feast for hand...owh..auch!!! swells..
well..that's all I need to say...Goodbye lower 6..and hi to upper 6 next year...

Abdullah Hussain - Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka

Abdullah Hussain - Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday and Tuesday (15/11/10 and 16/11/10)

Nothing at all...
just having chats...and listen to the music..totally bored..but what to do..have to come to school..I have to force myself to go though...

the hostel students have gone back to their homes...
I just got my new sports house:Iskandar...
Seen scary and eerie pictures inside my friend's laptop...but not scared at all...
Saw my friends in a car while I wanted to go the mosque to have Zuhur and Asar prayers.
Malay Literature:new poem;Ibuku by Usman Awang..
I had given the list of assignments,notes,,so many,but I'll think I check all out..

that's all..

Selamathari Raya Aidiladha...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

(Saturday 13/11/10)

My class had a feast...all of my classmates including me also took part....
So fun and exciting....tasty foods..chicken BBQ,catfish BBQ..and sausage BBQ...yummy,tasty...and not to forget,fried rice,coleslaw,and air asam...yummy...and delicious...
I really hope that next year our class will do more happening and this is the best event ever and I won't forget till the end of my life....

to check the to this link...

Friday, November 12, 2010

just for likes...I present to you to Mr.Hahn...

(Friday 12/11/10)

Nothing at all..hmmm..I'm very surprised that one of my transferred friend had come here to this school..
   I had hand over my assignment to my Malay Literature teacher...
Besides that he had given the list of assignment that need to do during the school break..I'd got three papers of MUET...everything is fine...133 marks (exclude the writing because still don't get the marks)..If I can get 60 or 70 marks in writing...I'll be in band 4..and that will achieve my target that I had expect earlier....

     Oh..tomorrow is the day..
need to help my friends....
     I'll be on service...
totally it'll be fun...

The assignment given by the teacher were this
  1. Tokoh-tokoh Kesusasteraan Melayu Tradisional
  2. Sasterawan Negara
  3. Unsur-unsur Penting dalam Sulalatus Salatin
  4. Tema/Persoalan Cerpen
 As for today,our class got the PERTINA stylish..need to wear it tomorrow during the feast...
I got the largest one, fits me...

Oh,here's some pics that I captured in the class..

that is all...tx for viewing...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

(Thursday 11/11/10)

As usual...
 But I was very surprised,no class today...
   All the lower 6 students came to the meeting room to have motivation regarding the preparation by the next year...So many requirements...Then,we had the first session of counselling...that is Sidek's Personality Inventory..
very interesting...I should take my chance and made my oath in this school break to change my personality and be a new me within next year...

   Then,we all had recess until 11.25..Suddenly,urghhh!!!,I have stomach ache...Need to go to the toilet...Quickly rushed there and phew...I did it...The next counselling session is about qualitative teenagers...very interesting to hear..about everything...including myself...the main part of the session is JIDDIYAH that means struggle hard in order to achieve our targets..

    Next,we have another slot that is about what can we do in school break..It is time not to think that school break is about to enjoy...take the chance to revise everything that we had learned...Then went back to class..
and discuss about the most important event,my class final year feast...finally I paid RM10...then my classmates discussed about what menu and drinks at the interested to hear...but okay that is all..then go to Masjid Ridzuaniah to have Zuhur prayer..after that,went to Lido Mini Lab to print my picture inside a red cd..only paid RM4..and I'll take it tomorrow...

That's all my entry today...  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

(Wednesday 10/11/10)

As usual go to school..
       At the first periods,heard about my BM teacher told funny story about his funny..hah..
Then I had my friends present their research in the class....funny though,especially the last one...

      Then to my Art teacher,and together talked about my academic reputation because I chose not to go to polytechnic at Ipoh.He said that I need to improve more and be more cautious and concentrate to the academic especially PA..which is my weakest subject...Overall my's satisfactory...pointer 2.33 and no.10 in class..

     Nothing to do at all.. Play some word-building using my favorite word,UNCOPYRIGHTABLE.So many words I can get..Just want to find theme and issues on my short story "Buang Bangsa Buang Harta Keranamu Tuan" written by Abdul Rahim Kajai.Although I had done this before,but I need to finish it before the school break that is upcoming next week.

     Felt entertained a bit when I heard my friends sang Malay songs but unfortunately it rains.and it last until the end of school..Full of laughter you know.I almost laughed uncontrollably when I heard one of my friends joking throughout the day...That is all my post today..


welcome to my log..

alright..hi to all...